The new neighborhood Kids Club “Siembra y Cosecha” (Sowing and Harvesting), for ages 5 to 15 had its kick-off event on February 26th, 2022. The event offered the children Games (Juegos), Bible Lessons (Curso), Crafts (Manualidades) and Refreshments (Refrigerio). Fourteen children from the neighborhood came to help plant seeds in the new Square Foot Garden wicking bed.

The children painted pots to fill with planting mix and to plant their own seeds to take home and nurture.

Boy having a snack after painting his pot.

The Aquaponics House is a Community Garden for the neighbors on this street. The location is used for Sunday Worship services and community outreach. Many of the residents here believe in God but have not taken the steps to live a Christian life. Tracey and John Pieters are living among them, caring for them, and teaching them how to Love the way Jesus loved us!
The Wicking Bed is the first part of a two-phase project to build a Community Garden. The second phase is starting now to build an Aquaponics System on the roof of this house. The system design has been completed but we need additional financial support to purchase the materials and equipment. Please consider contributing to this effort. Follow this link to John & Tracey Pieters – United World Mission ( or write a check to “United World Mission” and note your preference to “John & Tracey Pieters Account #27334 – Aquaponics”.